The symbols V, P, K stand for Váyu, Pitta, and Kapha. For example, VP- K+ is read the followingway: Váyu and Pitta are reduced; Kapha isincreased.
Sweet VP- K+ (sugar)
Physical: Strengthens tissues, good for com-plexion, hair, throat, sense organs, ojas, children, and the elderly. It heals broken bones, effects lon-gevity, is an emollient, expectorant, and a mildlaxative. Sweet tastes build the body, increasebreast milk, and are difficult to digest.
Mental: Provides contentment and is harmoniz-ing.
In Excess: Causes overweight, indigestion, dia-betes, fainting, enlarged glands, and cancer.
Salty V- PK+ (V+ in excess) (table salt, seaweed)
Physical: Clears channels and pores, improvesdigestion, produces sweat, enhances taste, pen-etrates tissues, causes lacerations, and bursting oftissues and abscesses.
Mental: Sedative, calms nerves, stops anxiety
In Excess: Increases blood, causes balding, grayhair, wrinkles, thirst, skin diseases, herpes, weak-ens body strength.
Sour V- PK+ (yogurt, wine,pickles)Physical: Good for the heart, digestion, relievesburning sensations, satiating, moistens, is easilydigested, oily, dispels gas, nourishes, relieves thirst,aids circulation, aids all tissues except reproduc-tive, maintains acidity.
Mental: Awakens the mind and senses.
In Excess: Flabbiness, loss of strength, blind-ness, giddiness, itching irritation, pallor, herpes,swellings, smallpox, thirst, fevers.
Physical: Heals throat diseases, allergic rashes,skin disorders, edema, ulcer swelling; dries oili-ness, fat, and water; promotes hunger, taste, anddigestion; eliminates doßha excesses, breaks uphard masses, expands body channels.
Mental: Opens the mind and senses.
In Excess: Causes thirst, fainting, tremors andpains, depletes reproductive fluid and strength.
Bitter PK- V+ (alum, goldenseal, neem)
Physical: Heals anorexia, parasites, thirst, skindisorders, fever, nausea, burning sensations,cleanses breast milk and throat, is easily digested,promotes intelligence, and is drying.
Mental: Clears the senses the emotions.
In Excess: Depletes tissues.
Astringent PK- V+ (alum, oak, bark)
Physical: Cleanses blood, stops bleeding, sweat,diarrhea, heals ulcers, is drying, difficult to digest,causes indigestion, tightens tissues, heals prolapse.
In Excess: Causes gas, thirst, emaciation, lossof virility; obstructs channels, causes constipationand pain in the heart area, inhibits digestion.
In Excess: Causes thirst, fainting, tremors andpains, depletes reproductive fluid and strength.
Bitter PK- V+ (alum, goldenseal, neem)
Physical: Heals anorexia, parasites, thirst, skindisorders, fever, nausea, burning sensations,cleanses breast milk and throat, is easily digested,promotes intelligence, and is drying.
Mental: Clears the senses the emotions.
In Excess: Depletes tissues.
Astringent PK- V+ (alum, oak, bark)
Physical: Cleanses blood, stops bleeding, sweat,diarrhea, heals ulcers, is drying, difficult to digest,causes indigestion, tightens tissues, heals prolapse.
In Excess: Causes gas, thirst, emaciation, lossof virility; obstructs channels, causes constipationand pain in the heart area, inhibits digestion.
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