sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Prakriti-test from "The Ayurveda Encyclopedia" of Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha

    Another Áyurvedic dosha analysis tool is a self-test filled out by the patient. The self-test questions reflect the patient’s total life span (not just the new or current symptoms caused that day, week, or year). Some practitioners offer two different questionnaires, one to learn the prakriti and one to learn about the cause of the illness (vikriti). (During consultation discussions the current illness(vikriti) is discussed.)  
    To find out one’s dosha, questions are asked about the patient’s mind, body, and emotional well being. Below is a sample of the questions that offer insight into the patient’s prakriti (nature).
   [Note: V stands for Váyu, P stands for Pitta, and K stands for Kapha.] After checking the category that best describes one’s total life experiences, the practitioner totals the number for each category V, P, K. The result will decide the dosha. For example, if there are 10-V, 20- P, and 30- K, the person is a Kapha dosha. If the sum is 25-V, 25-P and 10- K, the person is Váyu/Pitta dosha. If the sum is 20-V, 20-P, and 20-K, the person is Tridoshic. Separate totals for the mental and physical questions reveal any differences between thedoshas of the mind and body.

Outer Conditions

V- tall or short, thin, bony
P- medium, average development
K- wide, stocky, stout, big, well-developed body

V- low, protruding veins and bones, can’t keepweight on; may be heavy but with fluctuating weight and spongy tissues.
P- moderate, muscular; excess red meat and greasyfoods add excess weight.
K- heavy, hard to keep weight off, obesity

V- thin, long, small, unsteady, stiff necks
P- moderate
K- stocky, large, square-ish, steady

V- curly, brown, dry, coarse, sparse, full bodied
 P- straight, blond or reddish, early gray or bald, soft, fine
 K- oily, thick, very wavy, dark brown or black, lustrous, abundant

V- small, wrinkles
P- moderate with folds
K- large and broad

V- long, thin, wrinkled, small, dull
P- moderate, sharply contoured
K- large, round, fat, pale, softly contoured

V- thin, cold, rough, cracked, dry, prominent veins
P- warm, pink, freckles, acne, moles, moist, rashes, easy sunburn, delicate, sensitive
K- thick, cold, smooth, white, soft, moist, oily, edema, fatty

 V- dull, darkish brown, lackluster
 P- flushed, reddish, freckled, glowing, discoloration
 K- pale, whitish

Eyes, Lashes, and Brows:
V- small, dry, brown, unsteady
P- medium, red, thin, green, piercing, light sensitive
K- wide, oily, white, attractive, prominent, cry easily, discharge in eyes, steady but dull focus

V- thin, long, and pointed, small, dry, crooked
P- average, sharp, and pointed
K- thick, firm, big, oily
 * Nose, eyes, and complexion will vary depending on racial/cultural characteristics.

V- thin, small, dry, unsteady, darkish, biting
P- medium, soft, red
K- large, thick, oily, smooth, firm, attractive

Teeth/Gums: (varies according to hygiene)
V- thin, small, dry, rough, crooked, spaces, buck teeth, receding gums
P- medium, soft pink, gums bleed easily
K- large, white, attractive, thick, soft pink, oily

V- thin, long, loose tendons
 P- moderate
K- large, thick, square

V- small, thin, flat, hunched
P- medium
K- broad, thick, firm

V- small, thin bones
P- average
K-large bones

Upper Torso:
V- small, thin, narrow, underdeveloped, doesn’t gain weight easily
P- moderate, wiry
K- large, broad, well developed, overdeveloped, gain weight easily

V- small, thin, long, low development, bony el bows
P- moderate, wiry
 K- large, thick, round, well developed, fleshy

V- small, narrow, dry, rough, cold, unsteady, fissured, lines, bony knuckles
P- moderate, warm, pink
K- large, thick, cool, firm, oily, square, unlined

V- very short or long legs, thin, bony knees, runs and walks a lot, walking coordination is unsteady
P- average
K- large, stocky, can stand for long periods

V- thin, narrow
P- moderate
K- fat, round, well developed, cellulitis

V- small, tight, hard
P- soft, loose
K- firm, shapely

V- small, thin, rough, long, dry, unsteady, fissured, need to be oiled daily
P- moderate, soft pink, good circulation and complexion
K- large, thick, firm

V- small, thin, dry, unsteady, cracking, prominent
P- moderate, loose, soft
K- large, thick, well built

Nails: (mineral absorption)
V- small, thin, dry, rough, cracked, fissured, dark
P- medium, soft, pink
K- large, thick, white, smooth, oily, firm

Sweat/Odor: (vegetarians sweat less than meat eaters do)
V- odorless, scanty
P- strong smell, profuse, hot
K- pleasant smell, moderate when exercising, cold

V- scanty, dry, hard, painful, or difficult, gas, constipation
P- abundant, loose, yellowish, burning diarrhea
K- moderate, solid, pale, mucus in stool
* Pitta persons with fevers get constipation. Kaphas may get constipation but stool is not hard.

V- scanty, colorless, bubbly, difficult
P- profuse, yellow, red, burning
K- moderate, whitish, milky

Inner Conditions

V- erratic, variable, eats quickly, likes warm, oily food
P- sharp, strong, eats moderately fast, likes cold food
K- low, constant, eats slowly, likes warm, dry food

V- sweet, sour, salty, oily, spicy foods
P- sweet, bitter, astringent, raw or steamed, bland foods
K- pungent, bitter astringent, spicy, non oily foods
 * Áma (toxins) in the system causes one not to follow the above natural inclinations.

V- low, variable, palpitations, aggravated by wind, cold, and dryness
P- excellent, warm, aggravated by heat, fire, and sun
K- slow, steady, aggravated by cold and dampness

Life Pace:
V- fast, unsteady, erratic, hyperactive
P- moderate, purposeful, goal-oriented
K- slow, steady, regal

V- low or fluctuating
P- moderate to high, heat intolerance, pushes until one burns out
K- strong, steady, slow starters, moderate performance

Disease Tendency:
V- nervous and immune system diseases, pain, arthritis, mental, bones
P- infections, febrile, blood, inflammatory diseases, yellow or green mucus
K- respiratory diseases, clear or white mucus, edema, and obesity

Disease Resistance:
V- poor, weak immune systems
 P- moderate, infections, bleeding
 K- good, strong immune system, consistent

Medicinal Healing Tendency:
V- quick, low dosages, nervous reactions
P- moderate
K- slow, higher dosages

Pulse: (quality is the most important thing)
V- 80-100, irregular, rapid, snake-like quality
P- 70-80, wiry, frog-like quality
K- 60-70, slow, warm, steady, wide, swan-like quality

Sexual Nature:
V- variable, strong desire but low energy, few children
P- moderate, passionate, domineering, quarrel some
K- constant, low, devoted, many children

Pain: (blocked or wrong movements in the srotas cause the severest pain)
V- severe - sharp, shocking, disruptive, churning, beating, throbbing, tearing, variable, colic, migratory, intermittent
P- moderate - burning, steaming, swelling, bleeding
K- mild - heavy, dull, constant, congestion

V- moderate heat, variable, irregular, thirst, anxious, restless
P- highest heat, burning, thirst, sweating, irritable, delirious
K- lowest heat, dull, heavy, constant

V- noises (joint cracking, moaning, sighing), gas
P- blood, bile, yellow or green pus
K- mucus, clear or white pus, salivation, water

V- dry, astringent taste
P- bitter, pungent taste, salivation
K- sweet, salty tastes, excess salivation, discharge of mucus

V- dry, rough pain, constricted esophagus
P- sore, inflamed, burning
K- swollen, dilated, edema

V- frequent belching, and/or hiccuping, feeling a sense of constriction, variable appetite, less secretions
P- cancer, ulcers, burning, sour or pungent (eructations) belches or hiccups, excess appetite, heart burns
K- slow digestion, sweet or mucoid belching, nausea, vomiting Liver/ Gall

V- dry, rough, irregular activity, scanty secretions
P- soft, inflamed, abscesses, increased activity, excess bile, gall stones (most liver and gall bladder problems are Pitta related)
K- enlarged, heavy, firm, little bile, lower activity

V- dry, distention, gas, constipation, disorders of peristalsis
P- excess secretions, inflamed, ulcers, abscesses, tumors, cancer, bleeding, perforation, rapid peristalsis
K- coated with mucus, obstructed, edema, tumors, distention, slow peristalsis

Initial Signs of Disease:
V- variable, irregular rapid onset
P- high fevers, moderate onset
K- constant, slow onset from congestion

Mental Traits Sensitivities:
V- noise
P- bright lights
K- strong odors

V- low, weak, whining, monotone, quick, talkative, rambling, imaginative
P- high, sharp, clear, precise, organized, detailed, orators, moderate, argumentative
K- deep, tonal, singers, slow, silent

V- flying, running, fearful, light sleep
P- fighting, in color, moderately deep
K- romantic, water, few, heavy, deep sleep

V- fear, anxiety, apathy, sorrow, delusion, unconsciousness, insomnia, needing heat, strongly dislikes cold things, loss of coordination indecisive
P- violent, delirious, dizzy, fainting, needing cold, poor senses, intoxicated, restlessness, heated head, impatient, hot tempered, critical
K- calm, lethargic, stupor, excessive sleep, slow perception, desires heat, dull, inert

V- quick to learn ideas but also forgets quickly, likes to study many things but becomes unfocused, learns by listening
P- focused, penetrating, discriminating, goal oriented, learns best by reading and with visuals
K- slow to learn but never forgets, learns by association

V- adaptable, quick, indecisive
P- penetrating, critical, intelligent
K- slow, steady, dull

V- understands ideas quickly, then forgets quickly
P- clear, sharp
K- slow to learn, but once learns, never forgets

V- erratic, rebellious, changeable
P- leader, goals, fanatical
K- loyal, constant, conservative

V- anxious, nervous, fearful
P- angry, irritable, argumentative
K- content, calm, sentimental

V- travel, culture, humor, eccentric
P- politics, sports, dance, competitive
K- water sports, flowers, cosmetics, business, lazy

Mental Disorders:
V- anxiety attacks, hysteria, trembling
P- rage, tantrums, excess temper
K- depression, sorrow, lethargic

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