miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

“Dispersar las nubes es elemental” por Oleg Komarchuk

 Un artículo en un periódico ucrainés.

-Señor Nicolay, ¿hay algo en comúm entre las religiones del mundo?

-Сualquier religión es el abecedario de superviviencia de la gente en esta Tierra.La gente se divide en razas, que tienen sus costumbres, su timbre de la voz. Cada lengua tiene su vibración, y excáctamente vibración de la oración llega al Diós. En los tiempo antiguos en el terreno eslavo en los campos había construcciones de madera que servían de resonadores. La persona rezaba y ese resonador dispersaba las nubes, protegía del granizo, de langosta. Casi en cada pueblo vivía la persona que podía hasta parar un terremoto. Ahora estudio en el Ordeno de exorcistas de la Rus de Kiev que reune no más de 10 maestros. Yo mismo me encuentro sólo con mi maestro , Vladimir Yaremich. Es una persona insólita, que en su tiempo paró la existencia de la “Fraternidad Blanca”. El nació el mismo día y a la misma hora a la que murió su abuelo, que pertenecía al grupo de los monjes ancianos del Ordeno. Se dedica a la ciencia, y desde hace poco tiempo ha sido el consejero del primero ministro de Ucrania. Yaremich, como la primera persona del Orden, tiene permiso de enseñar. Yo tengo derecho de enseñar sólo a mis hijos.

-¿Desde cuándo existe el Ordeno?

-El Ordeno de exorcistas de la Rus de Kiev tiene cerca de 15 mil años. Todo lo mejor del cristianismo, paganismo, buddismo y otras religiones se ha recogido aquí. Los conocimientos del Orden se guardan escurpulosamente y no se divulgan. La persona podía infirgir toda su vida que fuera psíquicamente enferma, sordomuda sólo para guardar estos conocimientos. Algunos rituales que han llegado a nuestra época, tienen millones de años.

-¿De quién entonces, fueron recibidos estos conocimientos?

-Hace tiempo existía una planeta donde vivían los seres razonables. Cuando la planeta se destruyó, ellos pidieron al alma de la Tierra que les recibiera. Entonces a la Tierra llegaron 44 seres antropoides de las escafandras negras y trajeron los conocimientos extraterrestres.

-¿Si cada persona puede usar estos conocimientos?

-Los mismos conocimientos están muertos. Para que uno pueda usarlos tiene que recibir iniciación – entonces se cambia frecuencia oscilante de su alma y su cuerpo físico. Para quitar los típos más graves de mal del ojo, hay que ser absolutamente protegido de la influyencia negativa.

-¿Cuándo sintió usted su vocación?

-Hace 12 años tuve un accidente muy grave. Me dejaron los amigos, desapareció todo el dinero, las joyas. La vida me puso prácticamente a rodillas. En las sesiones de extrasensos supe que me habían hecho mal del ojo. Y esta fue un impujón, ya que resultó que tenía energética muy fuerte. Después me hice el alumno de Yaremich. Era la escuela de los magos.

-¿Sabe usted por qué le eligieron?

-De verdad que no. Pero Yarmich me dijo que cuando yo había nacido, ya estaba decidido quén seguiría los conocimientos. Quiero decir, que todo, que él me enseñó durante seis años, usé en la práctica. Durante la iniciación me entregaron una gerdana – el collar nacional de los eslavos antiguos, y cada su rama significaba la vida, pasada por mis antecesores. Cerca de mil años no hubo nadie a quien se podía entregar esa gerdana. Además me dieron un nombre nuevo que nadie tenía que saber, excepto los magos.

-¿Qué cree usted de la iglesia?

- La iglesia lleva a la persona a la fe. Yo mismo soy cristiano y Yaremich es el padrino de mi hija. Empecé a ir a la iglesia cuando tenía aún cuatro.

-¿Quién es el Dios según usted?

-Es muy complicado decir con una sola palabra. Creo que el Diós – es lo que trae la vida a todas las personas, toda la naturaleza. Está presente en cada ser y sería muy bien si cuidaramos a todo creado por él, con respeto.

- ¿En qué lengua hace sus rituales?

- Uso el eslavo viejo, ucraniano, ruso y la lengua de los sacerdotes, que es una lengua especial, que no se divulga. Los conjuros son iguales en cualquier lugar.

-¿ Si hay malévolos que intentan quitarle del camino?

- Una vez vino a mi casa una persona hipnotizada con cuchillo, que quiería matarme. Cualquiera que viene a mi casa tiene un enémigo que le hace malo. Recuerdo a una persona que no había dormido 7 semanas, y después de 3 días se convirtió en un hombre normal. También después de 3 días de mi trabajo con una mujer le desaparecieron los ataques del astma. El Diós cura, y mi tarrea es llamar su atención a la persona.

-¿ Hay muchas que piden su ayuda?

-Cada día. El quien hace mal de ojo, cambia la frecuencia oscilante de la persona, por eso se pone enferma. Mi objetivo es renovar esta oscilación. Pero no con los métodos bioenergéticos o extrasensoriales. Por ello son necesarios absolutamente otros conocimientos. La persona a quién le han quitado el mal del ojo, le pasa el 98% de todas sus enfermedades.

-¿Se hace mucho mal del ojo en la Ucrania occidental?

-Es paradójico, pero en nuestras tierras más religiosas se hace la mayoría del mal del ojo. En general, en la región de Lviv hay tipos de mal del ojo de cementerio, que existen también en todas partes de Ucrania. Y eso todo viene por que la gente reza por una cosa, y practica opuestamente otra.

-¿Qué consejos puede usted dar a nuestros lectores?

-La gente debe saber que cuando van a algún curandero, hay que preduntar dónde y cuándo recogió sus hierbas. Porque existen las hierbas que se recogen una vez al año, en las horas determinadas. Yo espero un año entero para recoger alguna hierba pero si en ese día llueve, no habrá nada útil de ella. La hierba no se puede preparar en vajilla de metal o vidrio, sólo de arcilla. A los ñinos antes de 7 años está prohibido categóricamente hacer rituales con cera, el líquido quitará no sólo lo malo, sino lo bueno – el talento. A ellos se permiten sólo el ritual con el huevo.

-Me ha regalado usted el signo de Toer – una determinada oración, cifrada con las símbolos gráficos y colocados dentro de un triángulo. ¿Qué es?

- Cuando limpio el espacio de casa, pongo este signo encima de la puerta – de este modo no se puede hacer un mal de ojo a esta casa. Hay mucha gente en Lviv que tiene hoy este signo. El mismo sigo puede quitar el mal de ojo de cualquiera en 5 días. Con éste uno se puede quedar sin daño por terremotos, accidentes, incluso guerra. Si poner un signo así en el coche, se convierte en prácticamente blindado.


martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Differences Between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology

Chakrapani has always said that he prefers not to make comparisons between Tropical Astrology and Vedic Astrology because his experience is limited to the Vedic system; he admittedly has only a superficial understanding of the Western system. However, given the inevitable questions about how to distinguish the two systems from one another, the following are some observations about Vedic, or Sidereal Astrology, and Western, or Tropical Astrology.

    The  most  obvious  difference  in  the  two  systems  is  that  Vedic  Astrology  is  based  on  the  Sidereal  Zodiac  whereas  Western  Astrology  uses  the  Vernal  Zodiac.  Vedic/Sidereal  Astrology  uses  the  fixed  observable  stars  in  the  sky;  Western  Astrology  is  more  time  based,  determining  the  beginning  of  the  zodiac  as  corresponding  to  the  start  of  the  Vernal  Equinox.  In  the  year  2010,  the  difference  between  the  two  systems  is  considered  to  be  between  22  and  24  degrees  and  indicates  the  difference  between  the  point  of  the  Vernal  Equinox  and  the  first  point  of  the  constellation  Aries.

    This  results  in  the  native  having  a  different  horoscope  in  each  system,  which  can  cause  confusion.  Although  Chakrapani  cannot  defend  or  legitimize  the  Vernal  Zodiac  as  he  has  not  made  a  study  of  it,  it  is  generally  accepted  that  the  two  systems  are  looking  at  the  heavens,  each  from  a  different  perspective  with  a  consequently  unique  and  different  point  of  view.    Some  feel  that  the  two  systems  can  peacefully  co-‐exist  as  they  are  looking  at  the  same  phenomenon  but  with  a  different  angle  of  vision,  as  opposed  to  contradicting  one  another  outright.    Chakrapani  has  no  comment  on  this  other  than  the  fact  that  he  wholeheartedly  subscribes  to  the  Vedic  system  which  he  knows  and  trusts.

     Beyond  the  two  different  zodiacs,  the  most  defining  element  of  Vedic  astrology,  Jyotish,  as  it  is  called,  is  the  fact  that  it  is  a  Vedic  science,  connected  at  its  roots  to  Vedic  philosophy.  As  such,  a  spiritual  orientation  is  woven  into  the  fabric  of  all  the  systems  and  methods  of  the  science.  Vedic  Astrology  has  many  categories,  and  throughout  all  the  branches  of  study  that  it  encompasses  there  is  a  palpable  underlying  spiritual  orientation  to  the  material.

     Vedic  Astrology  is  intended  as  a  tool  to  aid  mankind  in  his  journey  of  life  on  earth.    The  understanding  being  that  the  purpose  of  life  is  to  grow  in  ones  greater  understanding,  wisdom  and  capacity  to  love.    Vedic  Astrology  holds  tantamount  the  evolution  of  the  soul,  and  that  all  trials  and  tribulations  on  the  earthly  plane  are  seen  as  a  means  to  refine  ones  character  in  the  process  towards  ever-‐greater  perfection.  Vedic  Astrology  is  not  intended  to  be  a  fanciful  or  lighthearted  undertaking  or  a  source  of  entertainment,  although  there  is  certainly  humor  and  irony  in  the  human  condition  if  one  cares  to  look  from  that  point  of  view.      This  is  not  to  suggest  that  Tropical  Astrology  is  any  less  serious,  but  certainly,  the  parlor  games,  daily  horoscope  in  the  newspaper,  casual  questions  as  to  one’s  “sign”  do  not  do  justice  to  the  subject  matter  or  its  intentions.

    Vedic  Astrology  is  considered  a  divine  science  to  be  approached  with  reverence  and  respect.    It  is  a  highly  complex  science,  and  when  practiced  with  focused  study  such  that  one  becomes  a  channel  for  the  knowledge,  it  also  becomes  an  art.

     Vedic  Astrology,  as  a  field  of  study,  encompasses  far  more  than  what  one  person  could  hope  to  master  in  a  lifetime  of  dedicated  work.  Some  of  the  areas  of  focus  include,  cycles  of  weather  and  crops,  earthquakes  and  natural  phenomenon,  health  or  medical  astrology,  economics  and  world  trade  markets,  politics  and  world  events,  and  so  on.  In  fact,  virtually  all  realms  of  human  life  are  addressed  by  Vedic  Astrology.  However,  for  a  practitioner  to  become  proficient  in  any  given  subject  requires  focused  attention  on  that  area,  and  attunement  to  the  methodologies  and  energies  of  the  planets  as  they  pertain  to  that  particular  subject.
  Vedic  Astrology  is  frequently  called  predictive  astrology  because  of  its  ability  to  predict  events  in  life.  This  ability  is  due  to  the  refinement  in  the  various  systems  of  the  science,  and  requires  significant  subtlety  of  understanding  and  perception  on  the  part  of  the  practitioner.

   When  one  refers  to  "predictions"  in  astrology,  one  is  not  suggesting  that  it  has  to  be  so,  but  rather  that  the  energies  are  aligned  in  such  a  way  as  to  suggest  a  probable  outcome.  This  is  why  astrology  is  referred  to  as  the  "Science  of  Indications".  Without  an  effort  to  overcome  the  momentum  of  any  given  force  or  thrust  of  action,  the  indications  suggest  what  will  probably  be.  

    Astrology  reveals  the  timing  of  trends  and  certain  influences,  but  never  discounts  the  element  of  free  will.    Rather,  in  studying  the  horoscope  the  intention  is  to  apply  effort  to  overcome  obstacles  and  inherent  weaknesses,  and  to  capitalize  on  ones  strengths.    There  is  also  the  hope  that  one  will  reach  a  place  of  peace  and  acceptance  with  the  challenges  that  the  destiny  brings.

   Vedic  Astrology,  rather  than  suggesting  a  passive  or  fatalistic  philosophy  is  founded  on  being  proactive;  it  is  based    on  the  notion  that  knowledge  is  power.    The  more  one  reflects  on  ones  own  chart;  the  more  the  insights  become  deeper  and  more  profound.    The  astrologer  serves  as  a  kind  of  guide,  but  a  productive  encounter  with  the  astrologer  requires  that  the  individual  be  actively  involved,  measuring  the  astrologer’s  words  against  their  own  inner  knowing.    That reflection  is  an  ongoing  process,  continuing  long  after  any  given  consultation,  as  sometimes  one  is  not  ready  to  hear,  or  consider,  or  fully  comprehend  the  material  that  is  suggested  in  the  reading.    Even  if  it  is  understood  or  accepted,  oftentimes,  for  the  understanding  to  penetrate  deep  into  ones  being  takes  many  years.    The  point  being  that  the  astrologer  is  acting  as  a  catalyst;    the  astrologer  has  studied  the  energies  of  the  planets  and  attempts  to  be  of  service  to  the  aspirant  who  is  seeking  greater  knowledge  of  self.    It  is  a  spiritual  quest,  ultimately;  the  greatest  measure  of  its  success  rests  with  the  intentions  of  the  aspirant.

    In  Vedic  Astrology,  the  Rising  Sign  or  Ascendant  is  considered  to  be  the  most  important  factor  in  making  accurate  predictions.  The  Ascendant  is  represented  by  the  sign,  which  is  on  the  eastern  horizon  at  the  time  of  birth,  and  is  the  aspect  of  the  chart  that  changes  most  frequently  (approximately  every  two  hours).  It  is  the  pivotal  point  from  which  the  astrologer  considers  the  horoscope,  the  context  from  which  all  of  the  planets  are  evaluated.  The  Rising  Sign  determines  the  ordinal  procession  of  the  houses;  when  the  Ascendant  is  determined,  the  rulership  of  the  twelve  houses  is  then  established.    Both  of  the  systems  rely  on  the  Ascendant  in  this  way.

    The  Dasa  System  (the  planetary  cycles)  is  a  unique  feature  of  the  Vedic  system,  which  indicates  a  period  during  which  a  planet´s  influence  becomes  fully  operative.  The  Dasha  System  is  a  critical  element  enabling  the  Vedic  Astrologer  to  give  precise  predictions  during  any  given  period.

    Vedic  Astrology  is  also  sometimes  called  Constellation  Astrology  because  it  takes  into  account  fixed  stars  called  constellations.  As  a  result,  the  astrologer  considers  not  only  the  influence  of  the  planets  in  a  sign  but  also  the  subtle  influences  exercised  by  the  constellations.  This  means  that  when  a  planet  passes  through  a  sign,  it  expresses  the  influence  of  the  sign  and  is  also  tempered  by  the  influence  of  the  constellations  of  the  sign.  To  practice  predictive  astrology,  one  must  be  able  to  go  deep  into  the  subtle  influences  of  the  constellations.

     One  consequence  of  the  two  different  zodiacs  is  that  the  Vedic  system  does  not  give  the  Sun  the  same  prominence  that  is  has  in  the  Western  system.  While  acknowledging  the  Sun  as  a  significator  of  the  essence,  or  soul  of  the  individual,  Vedic  Astrology,  by  following  the  Sidereal  Zodiac  gives  more  relative  importance  to  the  influence  of  the  other  planets.  In  the  Western  system  the  perspective  or  emphasis  of  the  resulting  horoscope  results  in  the  Sun  becoming  more  of  a  focal  point.  

     In  Vedic  Astrology,  more  emphasis  is  placed  on  the  Moon  than  on  the  Sun.  The  Moon  represents  the  mind  which  is  seen  as  the  agency  of  perception  and,  consequently,  is  a  major  determining  factor  in  how  one  interacts  with  the  world.    The  significance  of  the  Moon  can  be  further  appreciated  by  the  fact  that  Vedic  Astrology  divides  the  Moon  signs  into  twenty-‐nine  different  charts,  called  Nakshatras,  or  lunar  mansions.  The  Nakshatras  comprise  another  method  for  the  astrologer  to  go  deep  into  the  subtle  energy  of  the  mind.
    The  popular  expression,"What  is  your  sign?"  reveals  the  importance  of  the  Sun  sign  in  Western  astrology,  as  well  as  a  prevailing  attitude  or  idea  about  astrology.  If  that  question  were  posed  by  a  Vedic  practioner,  he/she  would  be  more  likely  referring  to  the  individual´s  Moon  sign.  In  Vedic  astrology,  the  mind  (not  to  be  confused  with  the  intellect)  is  considered  of  greater  single  consequence  to  the  chart  than  that  of  the  Sun.

    However,  in  India,  where  Vedic  astrology  has  been  practiced  for  centuries,  this  type  of  question  would  not  typically  hold  sway.  Perhaps  because  astrology  is  so  much  embedded  in  the  culture  and  traditions  of  the  people,  there  is  a  natural  and  almost  unconscious  understanding  that  reading  the  horoscope  involves  a  complex  evaluation  of  the  overall  placement  of  the  planets,  and  how  and  when  they  harmonize  and  blend  or  oppose  one  another.    One  can  observe  that  there  is  not  the  same  temptation  to  reduce  astrology  to  simple  catch  phrases,  the  way  one  does  with  a  new  idea,  which  has  gained  a  kind  of  cult  status  or  superficial  allure.

    Vedic  astrology  has  remained  an  integral  part  of  Indian  life  through  the  centuries  despite  recent  trends  to  westernize  and  modernize.  Even  Indians  who  consider  themselves  little  interested  in  astrology  likely  consult  an  astrologer  when  considering  marriage,  or  important  events  like  the  birth  of  a  child.

    Some  other  methodologies  that  distinguish  Vedic  Astrology  from  the  Western  system  are  mathematical  divisions  called  Shadbalas  and  Shadvargas.  They  give  the  precise  strength  of  each  planet  in  a  mathematical  figure,  which  enables  one  to  quantify  the  potency  of  the  planets.

     Another  system  of  delineation  in  Vedic  Astrology  are  aspects  known  as  "yogas".  This  is  a  unique  system  for  understanding  the  power  of  the  associations  between  the  planets  in  their  placement  from  one  another.  When  the  planets  form  yogas,  they  create  specific  results,  which  are  powerful.

    These  are  a  few  of  the  unique  features  of  the  science  of  Vedic  Astrology,  although  such  a  cursory  list  does  not  do  justice  to  the  subject.  Also,  to  make  a  truly  fair  comparison  of  Vedic  Astrology  and  Western  Astrology,  one  needs  to  have  made  a  thorough  study  of  both  systems,  which  Chakrapani  has  not  done.  With  these  thoughts  in  mind,  we  hope  that  this  brief  account  will  be  of  some  assistance.

    Ultimately,  the  science  of  Vedic  Astrology  was  bequeathed  to  man  in  ancient  times  as  a  means  to  help  alleviate  suffering  and  guide  him  in  his  spiritual  journey  on  earth.  This  tradition  of  astrology  has  remained  unbroken  and  untainted  throughout  the  ages;  its  wisdom  is  universal  and  timeless  and  of  value  to  all  peoples  of  the  world  regardless  of  religion,  or  any  belief  system  to  which  they  may  subscribe.

sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Los Dioses De Los Antiguos Eslavos

De la revista “Cabala” – Julio – 1993 (Caracas, Venezuela)

Los siguientes dioses fundaron el panteon de los Eslavos: Svarog era el dios del cielo y Dazhbog, el del Sol; Stribog era el dios de los elementos del aire y Makosh el de la mujer;Pereplut era el dios de las profundidades de la Tierra y Perún el de la tormenta; los demas dioses eran menos importantes.

El padre de todos los dioses del cielo (“Svarozhiches”) era Svarog, dios del cielo y el fuego. En la India el significado del nombre Swarga era “El Cielo de Indra” y los Eslavos consideraban que este era el dios principal. Svarog vivia en el “Arbol del Mundo” (que era Yasen o Arbol de Ceniza). Gracias a este arbol, la gente comezo a trabajar el hierro.

Los Eslavos balticos respetaban a Radigast (o Redigast), que correspondia a Svarog, y le oraban en Retre-Radgost, un centro de culto. A Radigast lo pintaban con un escudo sobre el pecho y sobre el escudo dibujaban un hacha y sobre su casco habia un gallo con las alas extendidas. A veces lo dibujaban con cabeza humana y patas de toro. En otra version, tenia cabeza de leon con un ganso sentado sobre ella. Los simbolos de este dios eran un caballo blanco y un jabali saliendo del mar (el jabali era el simbolo del Sol).

Otro centro religioso Eslavo era la ciudad de Arkon, ubicada en la isla Rügen. Alli se encontraba al templo de Sviatovit (o Svantovit), que era el dios de la Guerra, el Sol y la Victoria. El templo, de Madera, constaba de dos partes. Habia simbolos del dios cerca del idolo: una silla, una brida, una espada y un estandarte. Tambien habia muchos trofeos de cazadores. A Sviatovit lo dibujaban con cuetro cabezas, dos miraban hacia adelante y dos hacia, atras. Su color era el rojo. Por esa razon, habia mucha ropa y cortinas purpura en el templo, incluso el techo era rojo. Un caballo blanco vivia en el templo. Los Eslavos creian que Sviatovit montaba a caballo cada noche y salia a luchar contra las fuerzas del mal. Para predecir el futuro, se conducia el caballo hacia tres hileras de lanzas. Si el caballo tropezaba con su pata derecha significaba Buena suerte y si lo hacia con la izquierda era un mal presagio.

Las fiestas en honor a Sviatovit se celebraban al final de la cosecha y se le ofrecia un pastel mas grande que un ser humano. Sviatovit sostenia un cuerno en su mano. Dicho cuerno se llenaba de vino una vez al año y los Eslavos predecian tambien el futuro por medio del mismo. Si a fin de año habia menos vino en el cuerno, significaba una mala cosecha en el futuro. Sviatovit correspondia a Svarog.

Dazhbog fue designado hijo de Svarog (Svarozhich) y era el dios del Sol y la naturaleza, patrono de la cosecha y el matrimonio. Segun la mitologia, fue uno de los primeros zares e introdujo el calculo y el uso del calendario solar. Seconsideraba que Dazhbog era el padre de la tribu rusa.

El dios del disco solar (pero no del resplandor) era Khors y por lo general se le colocaba cerca de Dazhbog. Khors (o Khoros) no tenia culto propio. Tambien se le conocia como “un ojo antiguo” o “el ojo del cielo”. Khors aparecia como un caballo y es por esa razon que su simbolo era cabeza de este animal (hors en ingles).

La esposa de Dazhbog era la diosa de la Luna. Su nombre era Chislobog o Nochena. Las estrellas eran hijas del Sol y la Luna.

Otra pareja era Lada y Lado. Lada era la diosa de la juventud, la belleza y la fertilidad. La fiesta en su honor se celebraba el primero de mayo.

Su esposo Lado era el dios de la belleza, la luz, la paz y amor. Para el se sacrificaba un gallo blanco. Lel y Polel eran sus hijos gemelos. El primero: dios de la alegria y la passion; y el Segundo: de la familia.

Lialia (o Lelia) era la hija de Lada y era al mismo tiempo hermana y esposa de Lel. Perun era su padre. Lialia era la diosa del amor, la alegria y la primavera.

Zhiva (Zhivana, Siva) era la diosa de la vida y podia presentarse como un cuclillo en vista de que ese era su simbolo. Las fiestas en honor a Zhiva y Lada se celebraban el primero de mayo. Zhiva era representada como una mujer desnuda con el cabello largo hasta las rodillas.

Mara (Morena, Marzhana) era la diosa del perjuicio, la hostilidad, la muerte y el frio. Un animal relleno, denominado Marzhana, era el simbolo del invierno y se quemaba uno cada primavera para asegurar una buena cosecha. En las cuentos populares la diosa de la ira y muerte Mara se convierte en la hermosa Snegurochka (“Blanco como la nieve”), que en la noche de Ivan Kupala (el 24 de junio) saltaba a traves del fuego…

Makosh (o Mokosh) era la diosa de la fertilidad, el bienestar y la abundancia; era patrona del trabajo de las mujeres (hilado y tejido) y madre de la cosecha. Era tambien la diosa de la fortuna y el exito, la madre de la felicidad. Por las noches, tejia en las casas. Esta diosa era representada como una mujer de cabeza muy grande y manos largas elevadas hacia el cielo. El miercoles era su dia.

El dios Semargl (Simargl) estaba relacionado con Makosh. Semargl era el dios de los brotes y los vegetales, y el patrono de los retoños y las plantas. Los Eslavos consideraban que Semargl se encontraba entre los dioses del cielo y la Tierra. A este dios lo representaban como un perro-ave.

El culto de Perún (el dios de la tormenta) revestia especial importancia en la formacion del Estado Ruso. Perun se transformo en patrono de los principes y sus ejercitos. Perun encabezaba el Panteon. Los Eslavos creian que Perun vivia en el cielo en un templo cerca del roble (arbol ysimbolo de dios). La imagen de Perun estaba adornada con una barba plateada y bigotes dorados. Sus brazos podian ser una hacha, un rayo, una lanzao una vara. Perun aparecia como un jinete que salia de su templo para ir a luchar contra la nube-serpiente. Usaba sus flechas de oro para combatir las fuerzas del mal. El ave de este dios era el gallo. Los Eslavos estaban seguros de que Perun implanto un embrion en el cuerpo de la mujer y promovio la fertilidad del suelo.

El Jueves era el dia de Perun y las fiestas en su honor se celebraban el 20 de Julio. La gente creia que el Arco Iris “bebia” el agua de rios y lagos para entregarsela a la lluvia. Por esa razonconsideraban peligroso bañarse en presencia del Arco Iris, ya que el mismo podia levantar a la gente y llevarla hacia el cielo.

Dodola tambien era esposa de Perun y era patrona de la primavera. A Dodola la adornaban con hierbas y flores, y cuando la paseaban por los campos, los campesinos la refrescaban con agua para pedirle lluvia.

Veles (o Volos, Vels) era enemigo de Perun y era el dios de los pastores y la riqueza, patrono de la cria de Ganado y fundador de las artes. La gente no sabia si Veles habia creado el Ganado o se lo habia robado a Perun. Veles era el dios de la agricultura y los campesinos le ofrecian los tallos de las plantas de maiz. La constelacion de las Pleyades recibio ese nombre en honor de Veles – Volosyni. Por las noches los Eslavos le pedian a Veles tener tantas ovejas como estrellas habia en el cielo. En las canciones populares, la gente se referia a Veles como “Abuelo del pan” y lo representaba como un macho cabrio o un anciano. En estos cuentos populares, Veles era la serpiente Zmiulan. El zar del fuego (Perun) y su esposa Malania (el relampago) lucharon contra Zmiulan, lo mataron y se llevaron sus rebaños.

Entre los dioses de los Eslavos, Troyan (o Triglav) era uno de los mas misteriosos. Segun la mitologia, Troyan tenia su propio pueblo y solo salia de durante la noche para ver a su amada, una joven comun y corriente. Los Eslavos creian que Troyan tenia tres cabezas con orejas de macho cabrio y alas de cera. Una de las cabezas comian hombres, otra Ganado y otra pescado. Todo esto simboliza su gran poder sobre la Tierra.

Yarilo tambien era un dio bastante misterioso. Fue muy popular, incluso en el siglo XX; pero no se le consideraba dios popular, sino demonio.

Los Eslavos tambien tenian un dios de la Guerra. Su nombre era Yarovit y sus simbolos, un escudo y un casco dorados. Era imposible dirigirse a el durante epocas de paz. Sin embargo, en tiempos de Guerra, los Eslavos sacaban el escudo y el casco del templo para ponerlos ahte las tropes. Yarovit tambien era patrono de la fertil primavera al igual que Yarilo. Durante la primavera y el verano los campesinos organizaban una fiesta llamada “Yarilki”.

 Una joven vestida con ropa de hombre interpretaba a Yarilo, que descansaba sobre un caballo blando mientras la gente cantaba y bailaba a su aldedor. Tambien se llevaba a cabo una ceremonia que representaba el funeral de Yarilo. Un animal relleno, que representaba a Yarilo. Era adornado con un gran pene. Durante el funeral, la gente cantaba y le pedia al dios que reviviera y se pusiera de pie. Todo esto significaba que Yarilo era el dios de la naturaleza y los Eslavos creian que se presentaba como un hombre joven, vestido de blanco, sentado sobre un caballo blanco. Su paso presagiaba buenas cosechas, y cuando miraba a alguien era signo de que comenzaba a amor a esa persona. Los juegos eroticos activos indicaban buenas cosechas.

Didilia (Dzidzilia) era la diosa del nacimiento de los niños. Los Eslavos le ofrecian sacrificios para tener hijos y creian que Didilia estaba presente en cada nacimiento.

Pogoda era el dios de la claridad, los dias buenos y la primavera. Su esposa era Zimtserla, diosa del amanecer y el atardecer.

Stribog era el dios del aire y el viento. Desde el principio se le dibujo como un aguila con flechas en sus garras. Los Eslavos creian que Stribog daba inicio a las tormentas de nieve.

Pereplut era el dios de las profundidades de la Tierra y patrono de las semillas y los brotes. Los Eslavos le ofrecian incluso sacrificios humanos.

En el año 980, el principe Vladimir Sviatoslavich consideró que solo seis dioses debian conformar la religion unida. Dichos dioses eran Perun, Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Semargl y Makosh, encabezados por Perun. Sin embargo, en el año 988 Rusia se transformo en estado cristiano concluyendo asi la historia de la religion de los primeros eslavos.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Moon days - 2014

Tripurasundari - The Godness Who is Beautiful in the Three Worlds

Tripurasundari (Lalita)  is the primary goddess associated with the Shakta Tantric tradition known as Sri Vidya.The Goddess Who is "Beautiful in the Three Worlds" (Supreme Deity of Srikula systems); the "Moksha Mukuta"

'Tripura' means 'the three cities,' and 'sundarī' means 'beautiful,' specifically a beautiful female. Therefore, her name means 'Beautiful (Goddess) of the Three Cities'. Tripura is often popularly translated as 'the three worlds;' however, this is an incorrect translation of the original Sanskrit.

The 'three cities' esoterically refers to a variety of interpretive doctrines, but commonly refers to the triple form of the goddess as found in the triadic doctrine of Shaktism. According to Bhaskararaya's commentary of the Tripura Upaniṣad.

There are three forms of deity: physical (sthūla), subtle (sūkṣma) and supreme (parā). Now the first [physical anthropomorphic form of the deity] is described in its respective meditative verses (dhyānaśloka); the second [subtle form] consists of the [particular deity's] respective root-mantra (mūlamantra); the third [supreme or transcendent form] consists of contemplative worship [of the deity's yantra]. Because deities are threefold in form, contemplative worship (upāsti) is divided threefold respectively into external sacrifice (bahiryāga) [performed primarily to the physical form of the deity], silent repetition (japa) [on the subtle form root-mantra] and internal sacrifice (antaryāga) [in the form of contemplative worship (upāsti) of the yantra].
Even though the bindu cakra [the "drop" in the center of the śrīcakra, is only one point] it has a threefold nature... The three deities created [and] not different from [her supreme] peaceful (śānta) [aspect] are [the three creative powers,namely,] Icchāśakti, Jñānaśakti, and Kriyāśakti. The female deities named Vāmā, Jyeṣṭhā, and Raudrī [identified with the three śaktis are complemented] by the three [male consort] forms of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Rudra which are not different creations from [her all-subsuming aspect called] Ambikā.

The traditional interpretation of Tripurā's name in Tantric soteriology involves a rather technical discussion of different levels of spiritual insight and worldly accomplishment, the fate of the individual soul (ātman) in the karmic process, and the concepts of external (bahir-) and internal sacrifice (antaryāga).

Tripura also refers to the Śrīcakra, the yantra that represents the highest vibrational form of Tripurasundari, according to the commentator on the sutra of Gauḍapādā.[6] Bhaskararaya notes in his commentary on Tripura Upaniṣad that the śrīcakra, composed of nine interlocking triangles, is triple in nature.

Tripurasundari is described as being of dusky, red, or golden in color, depending on the meditational form, and in union with Shiva. The couple are traditionally portrayed on a bed, a throne, or a pedestal that is upheld by Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishana(another form of Shiva, depicted in the Tantras) and Sadashiva forming the plank. She holds five arrows of flowers, a noose, a goad and a sugarcane as a bow. The noose represents attachment, the goad represents repulsion, the sugarcane bow represents the mind and the arrows are the five sense objects.

Bala Tripurasundari is another form of Tripurasundari, depicted as an independent young pre pubescent goddess who is 9 years of age, also known as a kumari. She is said to be the daughter of Lalita Maha Tripurasundari. Bala Tripurasundari's mantra and yantra differs completely from that of Maha Tripurasundari. The only Temple of Bala Tripurasundari Bhagawati is located at Tripurakot of Dolpa district of Nepal where Adhi Shankaracharya had prayed and worshipped due to renowned exaltation of Bala Tripurasundari Bhagawati Temple. Tripurasundari is also worshipped as the Sri Yantra, which is considered by practitioners of Sri Vidya to be a more true representation of the goddess.

Tripurasundari combines in her being Kali's determination and Durga’s charm, grace, and complexion. She has a third eye on her forehead. Usually four-armed and clad in red, the richly bejeweled Tripurasundari sits on a lotus seat laid on a golden throne. An aura of royalty characterizes her overall bearing and ambiance.

Tripurasundari  Yantra

Tripurasundari Mantra

Shodashi Tripura Sundari - Mahavidya Mantra


Tara - The Goddess as Guide and Protector, or Who Saves

In Hinduism, the goddess Tara  meaning "star", is the second of the Dasa (ten) Mahavidyas or "Great Wisdom [goddesses]", Tantric manifestations of Mahadevi, Kali, or Parvati. As the star is seen as a beautiful but perpetually self-combusting thing, so Tara is perceived at core as the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life.

The oral tradition gives an origin to the goddess Tara. The legend begins with the churning of the ocean between the Devas and Asuras. Lord Shiva drank the poison (Halahala) that was created from the churning of the ocean (in the process turning his throat blue and earning him the epithet Nilakantha), thus saving the world from destruction, but fell unconscious under its powerful effect. Tara Ma appeared and took Shiva on her lap. She suckled him, the milk from her breasts counteracting the poison, and he recovered. This story is reminiscent of the one in which Shiva stops the rampaging Kali by becoming an infant. Seeing the child, Kali's maternal instinct comes to the fore and when she was feeding him her breast milk Shiva sucked her rage out while sucking the milk. In both cases, Shiva assumes the position of an infant vis-à-vis the Goddess. Mainly Tara is a form of Durga or Parvati. As Per Shakti Mahabhagwat, She is the one who created 1st Seed from which the entire universe took birth in the form of Lord Vishnu. Since he was Non manifested divinity so next Mahavidya expanded him so that manifested divinity Lord Brahma took birth from him.

Kali and Tara are similar in appearance. They both are described as standing upon a supine Shiva in an inert or corpse-like form. However, while Kali is described as black, Tara is described as blue. Both wear minimal clothing, however Tara wears a tiger-skin skirt, while Kali wears only a girdle of severed human arms. Both wear a necklace of severed human heads and the previously mentioned girdle of arms. Both have a lolling tongue, and blood oozes from their mouths. Their appearances are so strikingly similar that it is easy to mistake one for the other. Indeed, they are often said to be manifestations of each other; for example, in their thousand-name hymns they share many epithets as well as having each other's names. Tara, for example, is called Kalika, Ugra-kali, Mahakali, and Bhadra-kali. Tara is said to be more approachable to the devotee (Bhakta) or Tantrika because of her maternal instincts; however a large population of Bengali Hindus approach Kali herself as "Ma" or "mother".

Like Kali, furthermore, Tara in her Hindu context enjoys blood. In her hymn of a hundred names from the Mundamala-tantra, she is called "She Who Likes Blood", "She Who Is Smeared with Blood" and "She Who Enjoys Blood Sacrifice". The Tara-tantra describes Tara's delight in both animal and human blood but says that the latter is more pleasing to her. The blood of devotees is to be taken from specified parts of the body, such as the forehead, hands, breasts, head, or area between the eyebrows; some of these areas may correspond to the different chakras, spiritual centers within the body.

Tara can be distinguished visually from Kali primarily via her implements. Four armed, she carries a sacrificial sword, a severed head or skull cup, a lotus and scissors. Kali never holds a lotus or a pair of scissors.

Tara Yantra

Tara Mantra

Green Tara Mantra


martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Jupiter: The Lord Of Plenty

Jupiter is said to influence all the good and noble things of life, and lead each of us toward a higher purpose. With a favorable or prominent Jupiter, you could experience lucky serendipities at every turn. If your Jupiter has lots of frictions (squares) with major planets, you might have to make your own luck much of the time.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign of truth-seeking, learning, travel, philosophy and physical movement. For the non-Sadges, Jupiter in the birth chart shines light on an individual's spirit quest. It points toward the arena where optimism and faith can be stirred up, since it generates a sense of the hero's journey, life as a grand adventure.

There's a lot of talk these days about "creating abundance" and being in the flow of prosperity. Jupiter in the birth chart points to where you'll find rewards through risk-taking and growth. And that can mean mo' money, but also a sense that your life is evolving toward something meaningful.

The planet Jupiter casts out more heat than it takes in from the Sun, and likewise this is symbolic of an inspired person with a self-generated internal heat source. Jupiter's influence also helps you fan the flames of your passions, so you can fulfill your destiny. It encourages curiosity and openness that comes from the wisdom that engaging with life makes your world ever larger. In other words, Jupiter's resonance in the chart shows how you take in new ideas, cultures, people, and allow it to add color and dimension to your life.

Jupiter in Aries:

Your enthusiasm and self-confidence inspires the same in others and rouses them to action. You have leadership and innovation in philosophy, education and spiritual matters. You have an innate understanding of and/or profound respect for spiritual creativity and manifestation. You're willing and able to take constructive steps to improve spiritual, social and educational conditions. You have strong faith in the possibility of a better way of life for all, but if afflicted, may be overly optimistic. You have courage to embark on long range plans that others wouldn't attempt, but you may go on a holy crusade others don't feel is holy. All the same, any action you take produces some good, even if you don't reach your intended goal. You have great energy and inspiration and a strong desire for freedom of action. If afflicted, you can overreach yourself foolishly, being rash and impulsive, and becoming too self-important, causing resentment in others. You're heroic, militant, ardent, self-sufficient, generous, and able to learn from past mistakes. However, carelessness and overconfidence can cause business and friendship losses. If afflicted, you can impulsively and wastefully spend money-- you must develop prudence and caution and learn to prepare for unseen emergencies by setting aside a nest egg. You attract abundance and good things in life easily and can benefit mentally and physically from travel. If afflicted by Mars, your judgment is rash and you can be extravagant. Risks must always be carefully considered.

Jupiter in Taurus:

You're goodhearted, reliable, quietly stubborn and have sound judgment. You tend to attract wealth which you use for material comforts and the good things in life that, if afflicted, can be extravagant and cause financial woes. You have the ability to use your money and resources for the benefit of others and yourself, especially if well aspected, since then you understand all resources are loaned to us by the Creator for the betterment of all mankind. You must learn generosity, wisdom and discrimination in use of resources, especially monetary ones. You must learn that how you use wealth, not the fact that you have wealth, is what's really important. If afflicted, pride in your financial status can lead to your downfall because you think superior wealth makes you superior. If afflicted, you can be self-indulgent, causing physical degeneration, or be indifferent to the basic needs of others, causing resentment and jealousy. Your patience and steadiness of purpose gives you good business ability and you can envision large scale plans and follow through on them even over a long period of time. You can overextend yourself and unforeseen situations can bring financial disaster. Your religious, moral and social values are the same as the economic class you belong to or aspire to belong to, but they must have a direct application you understand and may even have to have financial or practical concerns.

Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment):

You're mentally restless, broad-minded, diplomatic, original, alert, cheerful, fun-loving and versatile. You love travel, philosophy and the study of important areas in the history of education, religion, philosophy and law. The expansion of your mind through studies opens new lines of communication and new contacts that attract benefits through travel, correspondence, business and study, especially if related to the development of new ideas. Your intellectual understanding and broad sampling of many fields often gives you insight into future trends, but you may think you know more about subjects than you really do. If afflicted, you can be an intellectual snob. You're considerably advanced intellectually, even if you lack a formal education. You often have knowledge but no practical experience behind it. You attract many friends, acquaintances and partnerships that broaden your intellectual horizons in new and/or unusual directions. Your ability to teach, write and lecture on communications, education and travel fields can make you money. If the flow of abundance is shut off, it's often due to self-centeredness. You have a temperamental streak that can show up unexpectedly. If afflicted, rash speech can cause problems. You may be separated from your siblings and will probably have more than one marriage.

Jupiter in Cancer (Exalted):

You have a powerful imagination and intuition, good business sense and financial handling ability and a sense of humor. Your early environment instills kindness, generosity and religious and moral principles in you. Your parents love you deeply and instill basic trust in you by tending to your welfare. You often receive financial help from your parents or possibly inherit from some family member. You're graceful, poised and sympathetic and you attract benefits due to your caring and nurturing nature. Your strong maternal instinct can extend to the world at large, but if afflicted, you can be overly sentimental, oppressively mothering, have ties too close to your family or be too self-indulgent in food and material things. You love good food and may be a good cook, but you tend to overeat, or eat the wrong things, which may cause a weight problem. You seek to establish a comfortable, friendly, prosperous and secure home environment. Your home is often large with many people around all the time: if well aspected, these are often friends and acquaintances who may be experiencing difficulties. Your home is often used for religious, philosophical and educational purposes. Your religious and philosophic ideas may fluctuate. You enjoy contact with people. Your business interests often involve matters related to food or the home. You're emotionally idealistic and your dreams are often based on impractical or unrealistic considerations. You often become wealthy in the latter half of your life and, if afflicted, you can be over-conscious about money and stingy about giving of your resources.

Jupiter in Leo:

You're affectionate, ambitious, generous, helpful, intelligent, optimistic, self-confident and self-reliant, but if afflicted, you can be arrogant, extravagant, intolerant, self-inflating and snobbish. You have strong vitality, but may have heart and/or weight problems. You love pomp and display, especially in religious affairs and express your power and dignity with a sense of drama. Creative talent is usually expressed through theater, teaching or working with youngsters, for whom you have a special liking. Time spent developing intellectual/artistic interests usually proves beneficial. You have leadership and organizing ability and are often a natural entertainer or public person. You act while others dream, but you're apt to have a big ego and rash judgment. You have a great desire to impress others by attending or throwing lavish parties and social occasions. You expect personal admiration in return for generosity. You must learn that greatness comes from unselfish giving. You have the ability to cope with almost any situation and to inspire confidence and enthusiasm in others. You have an affinity for gambling and speculation but should avoid it if afflicted. If heavily afflicted, there is disappointment and loss in love, romance, children and speculation. If afflicted, faults stem from overdoing. You're attracted to religious and/or historic art. If the fifth house is unafflicted and Jupiter is well aspected, your children achieve honor and distinction.

Jupiter in Virgo:

Your values are the foundation of your moral integrity and your religious and moral beliefs are based on service to others. Since you reject any idea that has no practical application, your religious/social outlook is conservative and orthodox. Service and charity often involve physical and/or mental health and are of practical value. You're appreciated and usually well-paid for your services. You value work and regard cleanliness and order with the utmost importance, especially in the workplace, but if afflicted, you can be sloppy and bohemian. You try to give detailed consideration to every aspect of a large project, resulting in overwork or improper treatment of every aspect. You must learn to gain others' cooperation, which may be difficult due to your demand for integrity in detail, or scale back your activities. You can sift truth from error but may make mountains out of molehills. If well aspected, you're honest and your relationships with co-workers and your employer/employees is congenial, but if afflicted, you tend to drift from job to job, be lazy at work, or be dissatisfied with working conditions, co-workers or your employer/employees. You're analytical, cautious, kind, practical and have a scientific outlook. If afflicted, you can be absentminded, petty careless and irritable. You may be too narrow in your affections and must learn that spiritual attunement calls for more than talking about beautiful or profound ideas.

Jupiter in Libra:

You're companionable, idealistic, impartial, outgoing and refined. If well aspected, you're also artistic, charitable, hospitable and sympathetic, but if afflicted, you can be self-indulgent, lazy and conceited. You have a dislike of manual labor, a strong concern for justice and morality and good taste and conversational ability. You hate loneliness and need some form of partnership, but you must consciously develop independence. You love beauty and art and often collect it, and you cherish your leisure time and its associated pleasures. Your success in business often comes in partnerships, but if heavily afflicted, legal difficulties arise due to unfulfilled legal or financial obligations related to a business or any other type of partnership. You tend to marry someone interested in religion, education or philosophy and the marriage is often enduring and your home life is beneficial. If afflicted, you have too many close, personal relationships, especially with the opposite sex, that can arouse jealousy, and you expect too many favors and considerations from others. You influence and are influenced by the religious, educational, philosophic and social ideas of your spouse, partner(s) and friends, but if afflicted, you tend to make moral decisions for others. You're popular and well-liked since you take others into consideration, but if afflicted, you try to be all things to all people, appearing two-faced and often promising more than you can deliver that, in spite of your honorable intentions, gains public/social disapproval. Your religious and philosophic ideas are based on love and fair play. You're able to deal with the public, especially in mediating or counseling capacity, because you can convince others your ideas are valid and deserve consideration.

Jupiter in Scorpio:

You're efficient, idealistic, probing, secretive, self-disciplined, self-reliant, trustworthy and set in your ways, making it difficult to compromise. You're even willing to fight to the death in defense of a principle. Powerful emotions and drives make it difficult for you to relax. Boundless courage and thoroughness are used to fulfill your goals, whether they're constructive or destructive. You're resourceful and energetic, especially when the going gets tough. You seldom act without knowing what's best for you and seldom reveal your plans without just cause. It's difficult for you to remain neutral and you must learn objectivity and detachment. Since you may not consider others' feelings, you can appear coarse and blunt. If afflicted, there can be intense anger and resentment that's not easily forgotten. If heavily afflicted, you tend to dominate others emotionally. Your powerful sex drive can produce possessiveness and intense jealousy. You must learn to draw to yourself through love, not fear. You may enjoy good food and drink in excess. If you're spiritually oriented, you can have strong healing power.

Jupiter in Sagittarius(Dignified):

You love animals, children, education, foreign cultures, freedom, philosophy, religion, sports and travel, especially overseas. You're carefree, far-sighted, deep thinking, optimistic and outgoing but, if afflicted, you can be boastful, a devoted gambler, lawless, reckless and narrow-minded, expecting others to accept your beliefs. You need a system to regulate your conduct and life, whether it be a religion, philosophy, psychological school of thought or political platform. Your personal conduct conforms to an impartial set of moral principles, earning you the respect of everyone, even your enemies. Your interest in social and philosophic ideas that shaped history often gives you farsighted and prophetic insights. You usually have religious beliefs and acknowledge a superior being and may have far-reaching and probing metaphysical thoughts. You try to convert others to your beliefs and, if afflicted, your self-righteous attitude can start a holy war, but this is usually for personal egotism rather than in defense of a principle. If lacking strong mental powers, you cling to beliefs out of superstition or fear. You may study or travel to foreign countries, especially if you can afford it. You're willing to take a chance on anything and able to sense and act on opportunities. You need to be among people and enjoy brightening others' days. You're fond of luxury and often spend impulsively. You often get money through inheritances.

Jupiter in Capricorn (Fall):

You're honorable and dedicated, but you can be too cautious or rigid. Your mind tends to be grave and negative. You often acquire a cold, austere manner in your latter years and tend to hide emotional frustrations and loneliness behind an air of dignity and importance. If well aspected, you have integrity in your moral conduct, business ethics and the responsibilities of high office. Your views are conservative and traditional, but you're over-concerned with the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. You have a strong drive for power and status, either from personal ambition or out of a sense of duty (this may cause you to seek positions of political or economic authority), that may interfere with your home life. You tend to support the social, economic and political status quo, often alienating the younger generation since you tend to overlook the shortcomings of the status quo. Your judgment, although lacking imagination and innovation, is cautious, mature and prudent. You hate extravagance and waste that, if afflicted, can make you miserly or "penny wise but pound foolish". Your management skills, ambition, patience and wise use of resources net great wealth.

Jupiter in Aquarius:

You're broad-minded, considerate, fair, inspired, sociable, studious, and sympathetic, as well as very intuitive. You're able to work well with others, but if afflicted, can be tactless and intolerant. You attract many friends by not acknowledging class, racial or religious distinctions, creating an extensive social life on a superficial level. Your social, religious and moral values are democratic, impartial and universal. You understand that everyone has a special place, distinct lessons to be learned and contributions to be made. A spiritual desire to share with all endows you with great tolerance, the ability to cooperate and respect for others' views-- all of which you realize are necessary to have a successful society. You often become involved in organizations that promote peace, brotherhood and the universality of man, but if afflicted, you can believe in impractical, unrealistic or revolutionary means of achieving this. You have good judgment, intellect and originality, but if afflicted, you often scatter your energy and accomplish little, if anything. If well aspected, you're interested in occult wisdom and, if evolved, you can be a religious or social pioneer. You have a great need to help others, but if afflicted, you can be too casual or unreliable in relationships with friends or obligations to organizations.

Jupiter in Pisces:

You're benevolent, compassionate, easy going, friendly, happy, indecisive and restless and, if afflicted, can also be extravagant, overly emotional, self-indulgent and unreliable. This placement is excellent for clerics of all sorts, anyone interested in religion or those involved in medicine. You offer sympathy and help for those in need or pain, but others may take advantage of you if you don't use discrimination. You're a champion of the underdog and a good Samaritan, usually working behind the scenes. Your strong imagination and emotions often influence or are influenced by your religious values. Your mind is very impressionable and, if well aspected to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you may have psychic ability and intuitive perception of the spiritual realm. However, if this aspect is afflicted, these perceptions can be influenced by astral illusion, egotism or desire for glamour. You're self-sacrificing, quiet, unassuming and not very ambitious in a worldly sense. Your oversensitivity isn't apparent. Your work must allow your emotions and sympathies to enter into it. You often unconsciously seek a father figure who can assume responsibility for the direction of your life, and if afflicted, this can become guru worship or cultism. If afflicted, you can be a social parasite, giving up all responsibility for your life. You need periodic seclusion and opportunities to pray/meditate, etc.

Mars: Planet of Passion

Mars is the action planet of the zodiac. The 'Red Planet,' after all, should be pretty fiery, and Mars does not disappoint. Energy, passion, drive and determination are all right up Mars's alley. This planet commands you (and yes, Mars does rule the military) to stand up, be noticed and get things done -- sitting on the sidelines belongs somewhere else in the heavens. Simply put, Mars speaks to the power and confident expression of the individual.

Ambition and competition are also within Mars's realm. Whether it's at work or on the field of play, Mars encourages us to face challenges and to be our best -- or better. Aggression is part of the plan here, although Mars also values courage and honor. Assertion and a daring, fearless nature please this planet.

It's important to note that Mars's energy can be constructive or destructive. The God of War in ancient times, Mars could be brutally violent. While this energy still emanates from the planet, it also asks us to harness this force for good. Stamina, ambition and achievement are all part of Mars' mantra.

Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy, and governs weapons, accidents and surgery (the last two illustrating the yin and yang nature of this planet). In the end, however, the energy of Mars can be quite useful if used properly.

It takes nearly two years for Mars to complete its orbit through the zodiac. It is masculine energy and rules both Aries and Scorpio, and the First and Eighth Houses.

Mars in ARIES:

You are impulsive with your assertions. There is no messin’ and no doubt, what you are all about! Blunt and to the point, you are open and quite fierce with your affections. Your competitive streak leaves rivals quaking in their boots. They realize there is not much point in taking you on. For you fight to the death and always defend what you feel is yours! To your credit you do not play games, nor do you trifle with people’s affections. Loved ones and enemies alike always know where they stand with you. Okay you are hotheaded in a row, but just as quickly the calm descends. You are very good at leaving things behind. Moving on is your speciality. So when someone or something is past the sell-by date, you don’t beat about the bush! Somewhat direct and reckless, you go straight for what you want. What is more, you don’t let up ‘til it’s all yours. Needless to say you are a dynamo between the sheets. Lovers have nothing to complain about, and you would win prizes for your intense, possibly short lived, passions. You are not particularly good at commitment though. You give your heart and soul to the moment; and of course there are many moments to speak of! Be very careful and respectful of your impatience; it can get you into trouble…

Mars in TAURUS:

Earthy and affectionate, you are a full-on sexual being. You delight in your senses and experience every aspect of life completely. The moment is yours to savour; cos you make it so. You are an expert at commanding the stage of life, and not many people would disagree that you have great natural authority. You command situations with steadiness and surety. But you have a wicked stubborn streak and hate to be dictated to. Somewhat conservative in your approach to life, you need to control what’s happening. It makes you very uncomfortable to know (or think) that someone else has the upper hand. You are self assured and confident, but you have to be the best. Perhaps your worst weakness is that you automatically assume that you are in the right. You are not very open to other’s opinions or ways of being. You may listen, but when push comes to shove, you just know that you are right. Okay, you often are; but it’s crucial to your well being and adjustments in life that you appreciate that sometimes you are NOT! Your energy levels are second to none and you have great stamina. Lovers are not complaining any time soon! But you have a big potential problem with jealousy. Always remember, loved ones are not possessions.

Mars in GEMINI:

You are lively, intelligent and extrovert. A restless spirit, you are always on the look out for new amusements and mad entertainment. Your need for permanent stimulation is an exhausting prospect for lovers and family alike. Variety is the spice of life and boredom will not be tolerated! Open minded as you are, your attentions are easily diverted, which is not great for the commitment factor. Gemini energy feels a divine entitlement to two of everything. So you are capable of several things at once as well as playing both ends against the middle. Skilled at deception as you are, it may not be deliberate, but it is pretty much inevitable. Love ones need to understand your needs, or else ship out fairly lively. You do not demand loyalty, as you can not give it. But your definition of loyalty is quite different to the norm anyhow. As long as you are there when someone really needs you that’s what counts. Life is never dull with you in the room. You provide hours of entertainment and like to keep things sweet with your gregarious nature. Youthfulness is your key trait and in many ways, you will never grow up. Life is to be relished in all its glory. Needless to say, you run on nervous energy. But do unwind enough to sleep now and again!

Mars in CANCER:

You are a great believer in taking things easy. It’s anything for the quiet life, as far as you’re concerned. As a result, you can be quite indirect and understated. You do not spell things out and you expect people to read your mind, in the same way you can intuit what’s going on in theirs. Very self protective and cagey about your deepest feelings, you can be quite moody and petulant. You’re good at ducking and diving and you know how to keep people guessing. When you are committed though, you nurture and care to a fault. Often, you are plagued with insecurities and inner wobbles. But you are pushy and tenacious when you have to be. Anxiety is your inner demon; and it tends to dictate your attempts to control life. You thrive in a safe environment and are great at nurturing those who will be useful to you. Okay this makes you a bit of a user, but you generally do mean it when you offer your support. When the person or circumstance has served its purpose however, you can be quite ruthless at shutting down and moving on. You are deep and emotional, but tend to spend too much time analyzing how you’re doing. If you expend too much energy fretting, learn to chill for the sake of your sanity, equilibrium and relationships.

Mars in LEO:

You are dramatic and flamboyant. No one would dismiss you as a wallflower that’s for sure. Definitely a Drama Queen; you are madly colourful, but good fun to be with. Your creativity is enviable and you have good energy reserves for the things that grab your imagination. But routine stuff bores the pants off you! There is a definite lazy streak that kicks in when you have made up your mind something just ain’t gonna happen. You will not be persuaded against your inclinations, yet you manage to be fairly charming when you say ‘no’. Linked to the Zodiac Lion, you are a proud creature who won’t be told what to do. Although you are dutiful, it is not in a meek way. You take pride in looking after your own, but can get quite fierce amidst injustice and abuse. When the claws come out, it’s not a pretty sight. Your need to be adored is a key aspect of your sexual drive and prowess. When you are not appreciated to the point of ridiculousness, you will find your solace elsewhere! Your need for compliments and ego massage is legendary. But you are not nasty when everything is in place; just as you like it. It’s a different story when you feel uncomfortable though: you are controlling, pushy and not particularly nice to be with…ooops!

Mars in VIRGO:

You are modest, dutiful, and possibly a bit ‘mousy’ on first impressions. Of course once people get to know you, the real personality comes out to play. But until then, you are inclined to be overlooked by the Zodiac’s more assertive types. You make your voice heard in more subtle ways, which ultimately works to your advantage. With your systematic, methodical streak, you work your way into hearts and minds. Incredibly picky, you take along time to warm up in relationships. You are critical of others and yourself and don’t believe in making things easy. Quite fussy, you have exacting standards that must be met. In your search for perfection, you block yourself off from all kinds of interesting connections and liaisons. But casual links and superficial people are just not your style. Certainly not the most easygoing person on the planet, you come across as quite aloof, vain and unapproachable. Self contained and independent, you do not really need others, except in their vaguely useful kind of way. Your main problem is that you over analyze everyone and everything, instead of engaging fully in life’s rich tapestry. You handle things in your own way; but must learn to give life more than half a chance!

Mars in LIBRA:

You are romantic and full of good will and co-operation. Undeniably in love-with-love, you sometimes make ill-informed choices. You are a sucker for candle lit dinners and romantic gestures, so you are easily seduced by ‘traditional’ expressions of feeling. Be aware that sentimentality and a bunch of roses does not always equate to undying love. Of course such attention is always nice to receive. But when push comes to shove, you need hard evidence of someone’s staying power before you commit! In typical Libra style, you are sometimes assertive; sometimes shy. You blow hot and cold, which always keeps relationships interesting, though don’t overdo it. Your dithering can sometimes be quite exasperating, so discern when to ‘go for it!’ Even when committed, you flirt for Ireland and are very sociable, something partners and loved ones would do well to understand. You are not likely to act on impulse however; for your sexual wiles are measured, fair and tactful. Your whole being strives for harmonious connections, so you hate confrontation and unnecessary rowing. Casual liaisons and one night stands repulse you. You have to set the scene and make sure everything is just perfect before you ‘put out!’

Mars in SCORPIO:

Passionate and intense, you are a veritable volcano between the sheets! You do not believe in half measures with the love stuff; and when you are committed to a course of action, you go for it. To make a connection let your eyes do the talking. Your natural mystery and allure does the rest. There is no need to be overt or in-your-face; you have all the skills of attraction in place when you step out the door. Passionate responses come easy to you; people know where they stand and that’s that! What you can not guarantee is how long things will last. In a whirlwind of intensity you make your links, only too find that all too often they just as quickly fade away. This is not deliberate maliciousness on your part. In fact it is as much a riddle to you as it is to your trail of spurned lovers! Of course you can commit, and when you actually do fall in love; you know all about it. That knowing smile is a dead give-away! Driven to deep emotional intimacy, you do need to protect yourself a little better. Get the balance right and learn to hold back until you are sure of your staying power in particular situations. You do have great energy levels and powers of endurance; but these need to be channeled in the right direction: or else!


Straightforward and adventurous, you are up for anything that tickles your fancy! You are quite a rowdy soul, liable to be boisterous even in the wee small hours when the rest of the world is asleep. With endless reserves of nervous energy, you are at risk from burn out if you don’t learn to unwind, occasionally. In love you are idealistic; but this doesn’t mean you are on the look out for perfection. Born optimist that you are, you have embarked on a continual quest to improve your lot. You strive for the good things in life and your restless spirit demands that this search is continuous; even when you have already got a quite a good deal! In love ties you can take it or leave it a lot of the time. Especially before you commit, you are a soul who experiments and experiences a whole range of connections. Even after tying the knot the urge to stray is often overwhelming. But you are not devious. You simply enjoy other people’s company; and of course, the grass is always greener over the hill! On the plus side, your sense of humour is wicked. You will find that throughout life, you are forgiven most things, for one particular reason only: you are extremely huggable and loveable! Just don’t take advantage of your strong position…


You are an earthy, matter of fact soul, who can be quite calculating. This means that you carefully guard your interests and always keep your boundaries in check, but you are eminently nice with it! One night stands are anathema to you; you rarely go there, except with the long term in view. If something feels right, you will follow through, but you certainly won’t connect for the sake of yet another experience. You’re not the most curious bunny on the planet! Quite a traditionalist; before you commit, you are on the hunt for a soul mate to settle down with. Once you have found them, you’re a faithful soul, who is hardly mad, bad and dangerous to know! No, you’re not boring, but you are an acquired taste. In the bedroom you shine; in a conservative, safe kind of way. But your sexual drives are strong, relentless, and your stamina is good. You have commendable self control, and won’t make your move ‘til the time is right. You are cautious with the love stuff and not afraid of commitment. However, sometimes this works against you and you may come across as a sure thing to someone unscrupulous. Get over it! Once you find your feelings reciprocated, you have it made. You are humourful and offer great affection…


You are a truly unique humanoid! Eccentric and a law unto yourself, you make things up as you go along. Anything goes, so long as it feels okay. Convention and tradition be damned: you do things in your own way, or not at all. Anyone who dares dictate to you gets short shrift. You have a strong altruistic streak, but you will not suffer fools. Your humanitarian, caring gestures are from the heart; but you don’t allow others to take advantage. In the bedroom, you are imaginative and free spirited. Anything goes and your lovers are invariably in for a treat once you get going. Fresh approaches and unusual ideas turn you on. You can cope with most forms of weirdness and precious little offends you. Life is not one big quest for excitement; but you don’t say ‘no’ when the madness sets in. During your single years, you do not have a problem sacrificing intimacy for the sake of a superficial connection. But once you make a commitment you honour it to the hilt; on your own terms of course! Your rebellious streak is certainly a cause of amusement for those who can handle it. Just steer clear of conventional types who are easily offended. You need a partner who stimulates your mind: the rest then naturally follows.

Mars in PISCES

You have great powers of empathy and perception, which makes you nice to know. But you do have a nosy streak, and love to be at the heart of other people’s business. Your natural psychic ability and sensitivity give you the edge in many situations. However, you can be a bit vague; you won’t be pinned down when you are unsure. Evasive and deceptive when cornered, you are a subtle mover with wily ways. No you are not actively dishonest, but you don’t like confrontation and will do anything to wriggle away from it. You are good at reading people and quite skilful at nipping problems in the bud. In intimate situations you bring it all together with an intriguing mix of confidence and sensitivity. Hardly a tough nut, you do have an unbreakable strength that sometimes passes for weakness. Others assume you don’t know what’s what; but your intuition and perceptions give you the edge. Idealistic with the love stuff, you are a bit vulnerable to disappointment. Perhaps you hope for too much too quickly? Once committed, the main problem is your irrational moodiness. Learn to steer clear of loved ones when the black cloud descends. Try to be less of a soft touch. you are sometimes too obliging for your own good.